Thursday, July 7, 2011

Daft Punk vs. Feed me - Aerodynamic GTE (Thomas Radman Mash Up)

Daft Punk vs. Feed me - Aerodynamic GTE (Thomas Radman Mash Up) by ThomasRadman

I've more or less outgrown mash-ups, but Daft Punk + Feed Me is a radical combination, thanks Radman.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for checking it out man.. But I feel you on mash ups in a way. I'm a producer and I notice that mash ups usually get more hype than original work though the difficulty of creation is on the opposite axis. Sort of like this:

    Mash Up - Easy - Most recognition
    Remixes - Medium - Lots of recognition
    Originals - the hardest - least recognition (until you hit that magic jackpot)

    Just my two cents. I still do mash ups for fun every now and then. I concentrate mostly on my own stuff and my label now a days.

    Thanks again for the post
